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What is Your Drum? ~ by Stanton Lanier (Copyright 2012, not to be re-published without permission)
I am a conflicted human being. Dad has a PhD in analytical chemistry and Mom majored in art. I grew up liking math and numbers. Sometimes I still catch myself counting my steps as I walk. I can hear musical melodies in my head, and started composing by ear when I was fourteen. I majored in chemistry, have an M.B.A., and spent fifteen years in the business world before becoming a pianist-composer in 2004.
Growing up I kept discovering what I didn’t want to be. I didn’t want to be a doctor. My mom talked me into being a Candy Striper volunteer at our local hospital when I was fourteen. I didn’t like the sight of blood, but was determined to conquer this fear. One day I got the courage to watch a nurse draw blood into a tube from a lady’s arm. Shortly thereafter, standing straight up, I fainted outside the hospital gift shop. My medical career was over. I still have a knot on my head where it hit the concrete floor.
I searched for my calling at a canoe rental, a paper mill, a carpet plant, a soft drink facility, a consulting firm and an insurance company. Then, at age thirty, I experienced what I call “career surrender.” I basically said, “Lord, I give up. Please show me what you want me to be.” My steps were so clearly directed to a financial planning job that I thought I would work there for the rest of my career. What I began to learn, however, was to surrender my faith, my family, my work and my life to God.
The Little Drummer Boy story has always inspired me. At the end the poor little drummer boy says, “What gift can I bring?” as he stands before the baby Jesus. He sees the gifts from the wise men and knows he cannot afford a gift so grand. His friend says, “play your drum.” As he plays the baby Jesus smiles. What a beautiful picture. I believe we all have a special “drum” to play that is unique to us. Some of us discover this very early in life. For some of us it takes time for it to surface. Sadly, some of us don’t look for it, or keep putting it off until “someday.”
What is your drum?
Patti Iverson says
The old song, “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me” was running through my head ‘n heart during your entire concert tonight at CBC in Sunriver. You’re living it, doing it, and glorifying God in the process. Horrid week with the school shootings, all the holydays hooplah, and family dynamics yet I watched and saw shoulders lower, jaws unclench, and just felt the energy diffuse as Peace flooded the sanctuary. Thanks for being you and doin’ what ya do! Carry on, and as our dear Pastor Glen said, Shalom. If you ever come again, I promise to take you tubing on our marvelous hill–we’ll get ya a body sled to use! 🙂
Stanton Lanier says
Dear Patti, thank you so much for your sharing these thoughts and words of encouragement! It was a great blessing to be with you and everyone at CBC in Sunriver. I am grateful for the opportunity to have come, and look forward to keeping in touch. Wishing you God’s peace and joy this Christmas! Stanton