The new 31 Days of December Peace eBook is available for only $4.99. Download at or the Amazon Kindle Store.
My Favorite Month ~ by Michelle Murray, (Copyright 2012, Michelle Murray, not to be re-published without permission)
December is my most exciting month of the year. It is the month we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. When I reflect on our Savior and what He has done for me on Calvary, I have so many things to be thankful for, and I rejoice in all that Jesus has made available to me.
Jesus is my Peace, my Healer, my Comforter, my Joy, and my Strength. When I think on the works of His marvelous hands, I recognize my future is in Good Hands. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I can look forward to having peace in the new year and walking in God’s plan for my life .
December is the month when I reflect on how Jesus made a difference in my life throughout the past months and seasons. Never has Jesus failed to bring me through. As I travel along this journey, I have an assurance I am never alone because Jesus promised in Hebrews 13:5 that He will never leave or forsake me. When I know Jesus is the one lighting my path, I can see brighter days ahead. December is the month I take pleasure in celebrating our Savior with Christmas carols, love, unity, and fellowship with those who have impacted and made a difference in my life. I also make a great effort to give back to those who may not know the love of God. I realize throughout the year I have been blessed to be a blessing, so I seek to allow my life to be a blessing to as many as God would have me serve. I celebrate my Savior by lifting Him up and magnifying His name in the midst of those who need a word of encouragement, and hope.
December is the month I look forward to giving out some of the most beautiful and inspirational greeting cards. While drinking hot cocoa, I write words expressing my love. My favorite December songs are Silent Night and Holy is the Lamb. I am always anticipating God raining down some snowflakes, giving us a white Christmas that shows reverence for His Holiness.
December brings me great joy because I know in my heart Jesus is real, and everything begins to reflect Christ’s love. People are more generous; all over the world songs are being sung about our Savior’s birth; amazing miracles are expressed and talked about over the news; lights are bright throughout the nights, and the world has a heart of giving. Children are laughing and playing, and everyone is anticipating the birth of something new.December is a time I reflect on God’s Peace. There is always a feeling of God’s awesome presence moving around us that lets me know all is well. December is the last month of the year, and I know God speaks about our “Latter being Greater.” As I look back, and look ahead, I can actually testify as to how God’s Peace has calmed all my storms.
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