Do you long for peace and rest during the stressful holiday season?
31 Days of December Peace is a companion for Stanton Lanier’s 2009 Best Holiday Album December Peace (ZMR Awards). Short stories and reflections from Stanton, and special friends from his musical journey invite you into blissful moments each day during December (best while listening to the album).
Stanton’s journey to founding Music to Light the World, and becoming an award-winning pianist and composer, was shaped by climbing trees in North Carolina, working at a canoe rental in the Florida panhandle, majoring in chemistry at Georgia Tech, meditating on ancient scriptures, and many other stories. Special friends have played a part in his story too, including a nephrologist, a Grammy winning producer, a jewelry designer, business owners, spiritual leaders, artists, authors, financial advisors and cancer survivors. Their stories compliment Stanton’s, weaving a beautiful tapestry of peace, rest, hope and healing that is touching lives around the world.
Find a quiet place. Pause from the stress. Receive peace and rest. The words of 31 Days of December Peace and the music of December Peace invite you to experience a refreshing and renewing December.