Special thanks to FausettFarmsSunflowers.com for the gorgeous filming location in north Georgia.
Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 10. Jesus said, “she has done a beautiful thing to me.” During my composing, I was captivated by both the scene of Mary of Bethany sitting and Jesus’s feet listening, hanging on His every word. When we truly sit at His feet, Jesus reveals more to us than we can imagine. As you listen you can hear the piano singing the five syllables “a beau-ti-ful thing” several times in the beginning and middle. In the final minute the piano chorus begins to overlay melodies that all sing together, with eight hands playing at once. These piano layers represent the harmony of our lives, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit all singing together. The song beckons us to worship our loving Father, sit at His feet, listen closely, trust, and obey.
Read the A Beautiful Thing Blog Post for more of the story. Website Links: New Album SO LOVED, Sheet Music.
Stream and Download: Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon MP3, Google Play Music, and more.