Click above to listen to Simplicity from my third album Draw Near as you read. If you enjoy, consider purchasing the song, album download, or CD from iTunes, Amazon or (where sheet music is also available).
What are your favorite childhood memories illustrating the importance of simplicity?
One of mine is climbing trees. I also loved playing on the “dirt pile” or riding my “spyder bike” with the banana seat. This morning however, another memory is rising above these, especially since yesterday was Father’s Day here in the U.S.
It was my tenth birthday. I had been waiting for this with great expectation. My Dad was taking me camping for the weekend in the North Carolina mountains. Being the oldest of three boys, I was the first to experience what became a family tenth birthday tradition. Here are a few things that happened on this simple, yet unforgettable, camping trip…
It poured down rain as we put up our tent. Over night a raccoon chewed open the peanut M&M bag, and ate some. As we prepared morning breakfast, we discovered there were ants in the spam (an inexpensive, salty canned meat). We went fishing at a trout farm, where you used kernels of corn for bait. When the fishing hook hit the water, there was a feeding frenzy! It took about ten minutes to catch our dinner. The most meaningful thing was the simplicity of it all — just being with my Dad.
This experience inspired me to have a special outing with my son and daughter on their birthdays. I couldn’t wait until my son was ten, so we went camping for his fifth birthday, and the tradition began. The simple things in life are often the most valuable. God’s love is like this — just be with Him and ask Him to be with you. Keep it simple.
What is a simple thing you can do with a loved one to create a priceless memory?
Ecclesiastes 7:29 — “God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated.”
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