All You Have in Mind just released and is streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, YouTube, Amazon Music, and all music services worldwide. You can also click below to listen as you read the story behind this piece.
The new song All You Have in Mind may be my favorite of 2023 so far. It is filled with musical expressions of the peace, hope, wonder, refreshment, energy, and anticipation God wants me to experience to the fullest. This happens when I trust Him one day at a time for all that He has in mind to do in my life story. The inspirational verse is from 1 Samuel 14:7, “‘Do all that you have in mind,’ his (Jonathan’s) armor-bearer said. ‘Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.'” (NIV) Another version reads, “Do all that is in your heart. Do as you wish. Behold, I am with you heart and soul.” (ESV) Just prior to this Jonathan says, “Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf,” to see him and his armor-bearer through a situation in which the two of them were greatly outnumbered by their enemy. My life application would be for times when I am greatly overwhelmed by a challenging situation, or even an exciting opportunity, as I wonder if God will come through for me. Can I, will I, fully put my trust in Him for the outcome He desires? Is He really with me heart and soul? And am I with Him? Perhaps He will act on my behalf when I have the faith to take action. He wants me to experience all He has in mind to do in my life.
There are several other verses this brought to mind, which are like beautiful threads of a tapestry in my life and faith, just like all the musical parts of this song weaving together to form the composition in its full expression. One of these is Psalm 37:4 which says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” (ESV) “Then you will take delight in the Lord, and he will answer your prayers.” (NET) God has a lot in mind to do in my (and your) life, but His plans and purposes happen at His pace as we take steps of faith based on what He has revealed so far. After a faith step He reveals a little bit more to obey. Psalm 37:4 reminds me to speak my heart to God, and to listen to His heart for me as well. I want to be in a two-way conversation with Jesus, sharing with and listening to Him, as I seek to align myself with His desires and delights for me, which then become ours together as one. Down below are more verses I had in front of me as I composed the music. I hope these refresh you and inspire you like they do me.
These Scriptures and thoughts were my meditation as I began to sketch ideas on the piano. The opening notes sing “Do all that you have in mind,” which you can hear two times at the beginning, and again throughout the song. Musically this begins my surrender to God for what He has in mind to do in my life. This process is exciting to me now, even though I was more often afraid or hesitant in the past, earlier in my life. The opening theme leads to a second theme with long notes expressing how big God is. He has me in the palm of His hand and His strength and power are with me as I seek Him. He is very calm and at peace with everything even though my heart may be uncertain, or even racing a little with wonder. This sets up the primary theme which is when God moves in our story. The pace moves from waiting to walking to running with Him by faith (visit Waiting Walking Running which I composed a few months ago to listen and read more on this topic). All You Have in Mind features orchestral strings and alto choir, symbolizing God’s ever presence, and the countless angels in heaven watching over us and cheering us on. The cello and French horn are reassurances of God’s tender care, which is very personal and detailed for each of us. The feather flute is the Holy Spirit, which is woven into every musical theme throughout the piece. I hope the music and the story behind it encourage you to keep running life’s race with desire and delight, and with wonder and adventure. Keep watching for God to do all that He has in mind to do in your life. Perhaps He will do something exceedingly and abundantly beyond what you could have imagined.
How does All You Have in Mind speak into your life story today?
“The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him.” (Psalm 37:23, NIV)
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV)
“A man’s or woman’s mind plans his or her way [as he or she journeys through life], But the Lord directs his or her steps and establishes them.” (Proverbs 16:9, AMP)
“The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?” (Proverbs 20:24, NLT)
Stunningly beautiful!
Evokes peace and joy!
Thank you for listening Ann, and I am so glad you love this new one! Wishing you God’s grace, peace, and joy today! – Stanton
Stanton, I adore your new release “All You Have In Mind” It is so refreshing like being in the presence of God. Listening
my mind softly clears.
Can I order “All You Have In Mind” and “Walting, Walking, Running” in CD form to listen?
Thank You!!
Hi Rhonda, thank you so much. I am so glad you have enjoyed these new pieces, however I do not have these in CD form any more. I no longer have CDs to sell for my first twelve albums either, since almost everyone is streaming music now. God’s blessings to you! – Stanton
dear Stanton…
it`s again a brilliant new composition and i have much pleasure to hear it now again and again…
with lovely gratings
Hi Peter, thank you so much for listening and for your encouraging words! God’s blessings to you, Stanton
This is ~ beyond words beautiful, calming, inspiring, uplifting +++ ~ AND is helping me right now start my day..
Thank YOU!
Peace and Blessings Always
Chris B
~ is the piano music available to download or purchase ?
Dear Chris, what a blessing to know this new piece has been a blessing to you! I am so glad this brings you beauty, calm, and inspiration. There is not sheet music at this point, but I hope to make it available in the future. Thank you for your patience, and for your continued support. Wishing you God’s grace and peace, Stanton