Is my life more of an argument or more of a story? This penetrating question entered my life a few years ago and began to transform my thinking and relationships. My faith is vital to my life and God’s saving grace is truly amazing, undeserved and unearned. Yet, for much of my life the beauty of this truth was in the shadow of an “argument” perspective, that I was supposed to “defend” my faith. For several years now I have been growing in living and sharing life as “story” – getting to know people through their story and discovering where my story and theirs connect. Love, acceptance, forgiveness and grace are at the heart of this – not judgment or “being right.”
Over the past couple of weeks I have been reading short devotions on leadership and the issue of dependence on God rather than myself. Here are some things that jumped out at me that I didn’t get to blog last week…
I have to grow in trusting God to meet my every day human concerns so I will give my entire attention to what He is doing right now, in the present moment. Accountability is what to seek, not autonomy. I will either view God’s character in light of my circumstances, or my circumstances in light of God’s character.
Thoughts from Ken Boa Retreat
I attended and shared my music at a men’s retreat led by Dr. Ken Boa, an amazing writer and speaker along the lines of C.S. Lewis. Here are a few nuggets from the time discussing Identity (origin – where did I come from? who am I?), Purpose (why am I here?), Hope (destiny – where am I going?) and finishing well (ending our journey with excellence).
The key to humility is to be amazed by grace…the One who knows me best loves me most, the world defines me by my power, my position, my possessions, my intelligence, my looks, etc…the word (scripture from the Bible) defines me through simple declaration of truth, filled with mystery and wonder that is part of living by faith.