Part of the story behind “The Voice” CD and the title track from this 2005 album…by the time I was in high school I was a worrier and perfectionist, overly conscious of what others thought of me. The voice I heard often in my mind was my own, criticizing my performance and pouring on more pressure to succeed. God was part of my life, but it took a long time before I deeply explored the possibility of hearing His voice. Could He actually guide my steps in life? Could He provide the wisdom, discernment and comfort that I needed? Could I really hear His voice? The more I have pursued this, the more I have encountered profound conversations and intimacy with a God who cares for me beyond my comprehension. Scriptures to consider: 1 Kings 19:11-13 and Isaiah 30:21).
First melody May 2000
I began playing the piano at age 6 and writing songs at age 14, but it wasn’t until I was 35 that I composed my first instrumental melody called “Grace and Truth” in May 2000. With musical influences ranging from Bach to Windham Hill to Billy Joel, and inspiration coming from ancient scriptures, I began creating melodies to help me (and eventually others) slow down and experience a sense of God’s peace and rest in a hurried world.
New Music
I am always working on new music and had a breakthrough this past Wednesday morning with a new melody that I think will become something very special. I was meditating on Psalm 19 and the words “in the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun” speaking to the wonder of the heavens and the skies. This new original work blends in with a world renowned classical melody penned over 300 years ago. It is very likely to show up on my 7th album which I hope to release in late spring 2011.