Click above to listen to Desert Thirsty for Rain (from my 8th album Open Spaces) as you read. If you enjoy you can stream, download music, or find sheet music at the following links: Open Spaces CD, MP3 Album, Piano Book, Desert Thirsty for Rain PDF Sheet Music, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora.
Is your soul thirsty like a desert thirsty for rain?
When I composed this song, I wanted to express the emotions of life’s “desert” moments or seasons, when life seems dry, prayer seems empty, and God seems distant or even very far away (if sometimes fear grips you like us does me, you should also check out the Far Away from Home music video and its inspiration).
It only takes a moment to remember some “desert” moments from recent times to years ago: the five-day long stomach illness a few weeks ago, when the car didn’t start leaving for a trip last fall, when our house was robbed, the jobs early in my career when there was something missing, working third shift in a carpet mill, making an “F” on several college exams, missing the game winning shot, wanting to quit piano lessons when I was twelve, having to get glasses when I was ten, stuttering when I was five. The list go could go on.
However, there is another perspective in Psalm 143, which gives me great hope…
“I remembered the old days, went over all you’ve done, pondered the ways you’ve worked, Stretched out my hands to you, as thirsty for you as a desert thirsty for rain.” (The Message) “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands. I stretch out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.” (ESV)
I can choose to dwell on a “desert experience” from the past, to focus on some “desert moment” in the present, or to fear a “desert season” in the future. Or, I can choose to remember all the good things God has done for me in the past, to reflect on how He is working on my behalf today, and to give thanks for His faithfulness to be with me in the future, wherever I go (Joshua 1:9).
I hope you will use the new Desert Thirsty for Rain Music Video as a resource for seeking God’s presence, whether life right now seems like a dry desert or a thirst quenching waterfall. If your soul is thirsty, God’s grace, forgiveness, love and care are there for you like the rain drops in Desert Thirsty for Rain.
What is one memory of something good God did, which you can cherish today?
And what a dry day it is today. Thank you so much for the beautiful reminder.
Thank you Laurie, for taking time to read, listen and comment. God brings “rain drops” of hope to our “deserts” in His time. Grace and peace, Stanton
Thank you for the beautiful music video – reminding me of the hope I have, even in the midst of the dry seasons in my life. God is faithful! I am encouraged! May God continue to bless and inspire you and your beautiful music.
I bought “Open Spaces” a while back and recently I shared it with a family who was keeping watch over a relative who was dying. The family so much appreciated the beautiful music during a very difficult time.
Hi Annie, You’re welcome. I appreciate your description of what this meant to you, and am grateful this post was a blessing and encouragement to you, and that “Open Spaces” was helpful to your friends. Grace and Peace, Stanton