2024 Vision — Offering Moments of God’s Peace, Hope, and Beauty to People Around the World through New Content and Generosity (scroll down to make a secure online donation)
Dear Friend of Music to Light the World,
Greetings from Atlanta, Georgia to your place in the world.
God often gives me images of eternal fruit possibilities in heaven. One of the most beautiful is a visual with a long line of people in front of you, and everyone who has ever donated to the ministry. As each person is being embraced they say, “Thank you for your gift to Music to Light the World. Let me tell you how our Father multiplied it to bless me with these extraordinary God Encounters and Jesus Stories.”
In 2023 God affirmed and blessed the plans He revealed a year ago. Your generosity plus music income enabled the ministry to release sixteen new songs and its fifteenth album, donate generously to provide Christian education and nutrition for fifteen Zambian orphans, and invest significantly to upgrade Sky Whisper Sound Studios with new world class hardware. I was also invited to play at St. Jude Children’s Hospital for the eighth time, offering God’s hope and healing to families who lost a child to illness. His grace and faithfulness are humbling and amazing, as He produced forty million music streams, with ten million in mainland China. Below are three testimonies from two million Youtube channel views/listens.
“I love your music. It opens the mind, calms the heart, makes the spirit fly. God bless you!” (in Italian)
“Your music touches my soul, and brings me peace and gratitude. It is a true outpouring of love and grace. Your inspiration is surely divine to touch people’s hearts to this extent.” (in French)
“Praise and Glory to God for these Divine gifts. Thank you for this music, a foretaste of heaven. Who would not want to strive to do everything to be with Jesus.” (in English from the U.S.)
For 2024 God has revealed three key projects: 1) Spring release of a new album compiling orchestral tracks from the past five years, 2) Summer release of the new piano sheet music book for the 2023 album Solo Piano Dawn, and 3) Fall release of a new album inspired by twelve Psalms and His eternal beauty. This will allow capacity for additional composing projects, live performances, and continued generosity.
Thank you so much for your faith, friendship, prayers, and support! May the Lord wrap you in His goodness—beauty eternal in 2024 through His redeeming love and forgiveness (Psalm 103:3-5, MSG).
Love in Christ,
Stanton Lanier, Pianist of Peace®, on behalf of our MTLTW Board of Directors & Leadership Team
Invest as a 2024 Vision Partner (Secure One-Time Gifts)
Invest as a 2024 Hope Partner (Smaller One-Time Gifts)
*Your tax-deductible gift can be mailed by check to “Music to Light the World”:
Music to Light the World, PO Box 674041, Marietta, GA 30006
Music to Light the World is a 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry. Gifts are tax-deductible. (Tax ID# 65-1214574)