Today is release day for Each Light-Filled Hour. You can stream on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Pandora, and all services, or click below to listen as you read the story behind this new song. I hope the melodies and rhythms bring you joy and peace.
This piece has a happy, uplifting mood, as it celebrates the gift of each new day. As I composed Each Light-Filled Hour I was reflecting on all the things I have to be thankful for, instead of allowing negative thoughts to frustrate me. Even when things are not going my way, if I step back and shift my perspective, I realize there are many blessings to notice when I pause and look for them. Ecclesiastes 11:7-8 reads, “Oh, how sweet the light of day, And how wonderful to live in the sunshine! Even if you live a long time, don’t take a single day for granted. Take delight in each light-filled hour, Remembering that there will also be many dark days And that most of what comes your way is smoke.” (MSG) These words of wisdom help my thinking shift from concerns over the past or future to cherishing the present moment. They help me set my heart on things above instead of earthly things (Colossians 3:2), and remind me to be grateful to God for His faithfulness. He is with me in each hour, each day, each week, each month, and each year, even when it may not feel like it. This is part of living by faith, to have faith even when I have fear and doubt. “…the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in him.” (Psalm 32:10, NIV)
Musically, I wanted to challenge myself to have several elements that were the same, symbolizing God’s constant presence, strength, and care for us in each light-filled hour. This happens with the long undertones of low strings, as well as the time signature and chord pattern remaining the same. All of these repeat underneath throughout the song. The melodies and rhythms were born from a second challenge, which was to express joy and wonder, with a sense of happy, child-like faith. My natural tendency is to take things seriously, and to ask “Why?” when a decision requires faith and risk. Each Light-Filled Hour is evidence of God restoring His joy, peace, and hope in my heart, and inspiring me to ask “Why not?” when He is prompting me toward an exciting possibility or opportunity which requires me to depend on Him. The piano, choir, horn, strings, and percussion all work together to create and uplifting, energizing experience.
I hope this piece makes you smile, reminds you to make the most of your life today, and resurrects a memory from the past which filled your heart with joy. God’s blessings to you, and wishing you His grace and peace. – Stanton
How does Each Light-Filled Hour speak to you, and “sing” over you life today?
“Oh, how sweet the light of day, And how wonderful to live in the sunshine! Even if you live a long time, don’t take a single day for granted. Take delight in each light-filled hour…” (Ecclesiastes 11:7-8, MSG)
This piece left a smile on my face as I remembered all my friends who enjoy life’s blessings. Music is one of those blessings and your soft piano melodies fill my soul with gratitude. Thanks for sharing your wonderful compositions., Patrick R Ashby
Dear Patrick, I am so glad to hear how much you enjoyed this new piece, and that it made you smile. God’s blessings to you and thank you for your encouraging words! – Stanton
I so love receiving your emails as they always contain a new nugget of magic that my spirit hears.
Your music and words inspire and comfort me and remind me to be thankful. This one awakens my childhood wonder and ability to savour the present moment.
Thank-you again Stanton!
You are such a blessing and light in the world and in my home and heart as I’m sure you are for so many.
Warmest wishes to you and yours.
I think this every day, and am happy for an opportunity to tell you again! 🤗
Hello Marnie, and thank you for your comments! I am so happy to hear that this new piece “Each Light-Filled Hour” is a blessing to you! Wishing you God’s grace, peace, and joy in your life, family, and faith! – Stanton
This is very beautiful and uplifting as you say. I love the words in your description, so true! Thank you Stanton!
Thank you Brenda, I am grateful this new piece brings you beauty and uplifts your spirit too. God’s blessings to you! – Stanton
Wonderful to hear the piece as you described your intentions to develop beautiful, worshipful music ! The language of music is not necessarily the words but the nudging of the Holy Spirit. Keep it going ! Love it.
Dear Blake, thank you for listening and for your comments! I am so glad the worship and Holy Spirit inspiration came through. This is always the heart of each Scripture inspired composition, to offer God’s peace, rest, hope, and healing to listeners, as well as some joy too as with this new track. God’s blessings to you! – Stanton
Hello Mr Stanton!
From Kenosha WI!
I am so blessed by this new song today. What a heart moving beauty for this very God given day.
May you and your family be richly blessed by our Heavenly Father above.
Hello Sheryl, so wonderful to hear from you, and I’m grateful this new song is a blessing to you! Wishing you God’s grace, peace, and joy today! Blessings to you, Charlie and family too! Stanton
Thank you Stanton, for another piece of your blessed music……so calming and comforting!! I love it and need it so much.
I was in a local restaurant recently and they were playing YOUR music!! Soooo, Awesome!…God bless and keep you and yours in His care, always. Glennita
Dear Glennita, You are welcome, and thank you for your comments! I am grateful this new piece is a blessing to you, and pray it continues to bring peace, calm, and comfort to you whenever you may listen. God’s blessings to you as well! – Stanton
Oh brother Stanton, how the Holy Spirit allows you to ‘read my mail’ through your thoughtful reflections on the pieces that you write! Thank you for this piece! The pictures of God’s faithfulness and invitation to joy and child-like faith-filled living shine through beautifully!
I needed this TODAY, as the weight of many life circumstances continue to affect me when I don’t take the necessary time to fix my eyes on Jesus and His goodness in my life. Such great reminders from God’s Word and artistically demonstrated in this piece.
Blessings on you, brother!
Dear Derin, thank you so much for writing these words and experiences about this new piece. It is so beautiful to see when God meets us in our time of need, and I am grateful to Him for speaking into and encouraging you with your life circumstances. May He bless you with His peace, presence, and faithfulness! – Stanton
I see dancing. A woman in full skirts lifting all joy, sharing with everything around her in bigger and bigger circles out, drawing everyone who feels the JOY and PEACE into the dance till it fills everyone across the world.
My peace I leave with you, not as the world…
Merry Christmas!
Hello Mary and thank you for your comments about this new song! I am so glad you enjoyed it. God’s blessings to you this Christmas and in the New Year! – Stanton