The first half of June has been filled with experiences of grace…adjusting from school to summer family schedule (swim meets!), concerts to wonderful audiences in Sacramento and Seattle, Donald Miller’s Storyline Conference in Portland about living out a better story (more to come on this), and a 24-hour trip to Toronto to tape an interview and piano performance for July. Grace is the only way to describe this most recent trip. I was going to check in online and realized I had left my passport in a safety deposit box that was closed for the weekend. Everything online says you need your passport to travel in and out of Canada from the U.S., but my contact there said there was a chance it was possible with a photocopy of my passport and a few other document copies I had. There were seven security checkpoints I counted between getting through Atlanta into Toronto and back, and each got progressively more intense, but in the end the journey was completed. I would not recommend it, but I will never forget this experience. There were signs of grace everywhere, as I shared my embarrassment to security people and was forgiven, as my glasses were knocked off and went flying on an airport subway – and didn’t break. This is part of the story we are living out, to notice grace and to offer it to others too.
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