Click above to listen to the love song Captivating from the album The Voice. If you enjoy, consider purchasing the CD, MP3 Album, or Sheet Music at (the song is also on iTunes, Amazon , Spotify, Pandora, and more).
How would you describe your greatest point of need right now?
Would it be physical (health), relational (spouse/family), financial (debt), emotional (ups and downs), spiritual (faith), or something else? If you need a “miracle” there is no such thing as a small one.
It was a Monday night in March 2005. We had founded Music to Light the World as a non-profit 501(c)(3) ministry the previous year, and through this I had become a full-time pianist and composer of “Scripture inspired piano” in August 2004. We were only six months into this adventure, and my wife came to me in tears. She couldn’t take it any more. Not knowing where our income would come from was too unsettling (I was afraid too). We cried together and I told her I had such a strong sense in my heart that we were doing the right thing. I didn’t know how it would all work, but I just knew we should keep going by faith. We prayed and surrendered, asking God to watch over us and to direct our steps. Then the miracle happened…
The very next morning — 12 hours later — there was a donation check for $20,000 in the PO Box from an anonymous donor (still the largest one-time gift to this day). I was speechless. Tears of joy and amazement flowed. I called my wife to celebrate in disbelief. Then a few minutes later it struck me — there must have been a mistake. Nope. Everything was correct. Through some research it was confirmed. I learned the source was a 104-year old lady in Iowa (I never got to meet her). I called it a “small” miracle, but I have learned that there is no such thing as a small miracle with Jesus.
God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). Sometimes He amazes us. Sometimes He doesn’t answer our prayer the way we would like, or the way that seems best. Sometimes He is quiet and doesn’t seem to be moving at all. The twelve months following the “$20,000 donation miracle” included an emergency ambulance and hospital stay for my wife, and our house being robbed of everything small and valuable during the middle of the day. Prayer and surrender are hard for me sometimes, but the Lord meets me where I am and gently encourages me by His grace and power.
I chose the love song Captivating as today’s listening track because God loves you and me more than we can imagine. He is captivated by us, like the lover is with his beloved in Song of Solomon or Proverbs. There is no such thing as a “small” miracle with Him. He knows our every need. He loves for us to share them with Him, and ask for His help. It is a life long process, but I have found He keeps His promise “if you seek me you will find me.”
What step can you take toward seeking and surrendering?
Thank you so much for this wonderful post. I have been pondering so much on my Father’s love for me. I realize that He has gone through every means to show me His care. I must but look and listen. His ultimate means, the cross, points us to His everlasting love for us. Maybe our shortcomings are a sign of His grace to a lost world. Maybe it is exactly our inabilities which turn other hearts to Him. What message would we have, had we in ourselves all what is needed? THANK YOU, Stanton, for all you do for the kingdom, for showing us that it is HE in us, not us 🙂
You’re welcome Heidi. Thank you for your encouragement and taking time to comment. Blessings to you…
thank you for your story
it encourage me to never surrender no matter what happen
sometimes i feel nothing with manys problem around me.
thank you to remind me that I stilll have GOD who I know would never leave me no matter what i’m..
Dear Iya, you are welcome. Yes, God is with you, loves you, cares for you, and knows your every need. Praying His peace and hope for you in all your circumstances and needs. Keeping the faith with you…