The new song and video Walking on Air inspired me to create three short meditation opportunities to help you stop “doing” for a moment, so you can practice “being.” There are deep and meaningful insights available to us, when we take time to pause and listen for God’s voice. Our moments of “being” with Him equip and energize our “doing” for Him as we seek to serve and love others well.
This exercise will seem simple, and it is, but it will not be so easy because you need to quiet your mind and silence any distractions. For this first meditation guide, as you watch the video below and listen to the music, I want you to reflect on celebrating one or two of your life’s most beautiful moments. When Hannah found out she was pregnant (with her son Samuel), 1 Samuel 2:1 tells us, Hannah prayed: “I’m bursting with God-news! I’m walking on air…I’m dancing my salvation.” (The Message)
Now, pause and ask God to bring to mind a beautiful moment or two from your life, when you were filled with celebration, when you were “walking on air.” Next, watch the video (or close your eyes) and as you listen to the music, see what God wants to reveal to you. What are the moments He brings to mind? What is something deeper He wants you to know? From these memories? About Himself? Anything else? When God speaks, write down what He is saying to you, or at lease take mental notes so you can hold onto His words for future encouragement.