What is your favorite “open space?” Is it the beach or the mountains? Is it an open field or a walk in the woods? “Open space” moments we cherish are often temporary and fleeting. I don’t think it has to be this way. Read on to see what I mean…
I visited Yosemite National Park for the first time this past spring and was blown away. I learned photographer Ansel Adams first visited Yosemite at age nine. He was so taken by it, he returned every year for the rest of his life, and began photographing it from every possible angle and season. His black and white photos of Yosemite are legendary. I shot the image above from the famous tunnel view, where you are first greeted by the valley. Breathtaking.
Maybe the Yosemite vistas had put “open spaces” into my mind, but I was unaware. A few months later, I started composing a melody and was looking at Psalm 119, where The Message says, “Be generous with me and I’ll live a full life…invigorate me on the pilgrim way…And I’ll stride freely through wide open spaces as I look for your truth and your wisdom…” The music came quickly and became Open Spaces, a new song I hope to release in early 2013.
I don’t think life’s “vista” or “open space” moments have to be short lived. By faith, when God meets me where I am, in spite of my brokenness, fears, and worries, he longs to invigorate me. He wants me to experience striding freely through wide open spaces. Spiritually speaking He offers me the opportunity of daily “open space” moments if I am attuned to the wonder and beauty around me, if I notice the kindness of others toward me, if I seek to love and serve.
So, what is your favorite “open space?” How can the essence of those special “open space” moments ring true in your daily living?