I’m in the middle of a busier than normal stretch, so I had to let my blogging rest for a bit. This “stopping” brought me peace and rest. Last Sunday I got to share my first ever concert in Missouri (at First Baptist Church in Dexter). This “doing” brought me peace and rest (see the photo below). Right now, some new music for my next album is on hold. This “waiting” brings me peace and rest.
Is there something you could stop doing to bring you peace and rest?
Is there something you can do to bring you peace and rest?
Is there something where waiting could bring you peace and rest?
Last week I was working to get ready for our biggest event of the year on October 11th (An Evening of Hope 2012). I was also preparing for events this week in Missouri, Arkansas and Tennessee. Back at the beginning of June, I set a goal to blog 2-3 times per week. I’ve “failed” a few times. This summer I also created the first three episodes of the Pianist of Peace podcast, each with a personal story, a life question, and music for reflection. My goal was to release one new podcast each month. This launched with the August Podcast, and the September Podcast followed. I will probably “fail” at this goal from time to time as well.
If you are in a busier than normal stretch, what can bring you peace and rest? Do you need to “stop” or “do” or “wait” regarding the possibilities? One thing I know: Whatever your passion is, whatever makes you come alive, don’t stop doing that. It will fill your heart with good things and overflow into your life being a blessing to others.