What is something new you are working on?
I have been developing Creative Composing: A Master Class with Stanton Lanier. This new online video course is designed to help pianists (and other musicians) grow in their playing, and learn composing techniques. The first class will launch May 1st. Registration closes April 30th, and there is special discounted pricing I am extending through tomorrow, April 1st.
Why I am I launching a new piano master class? Most pianists are like me. They did not major in piano in college, they don’t have a PhD in piano, and piano is not their career (I majored in chemistry, have a master’s degree in business, and spent fifteen years working mostly as a financial advisor). I learned to read music growing up, but I have always composed by ear. Growing in music performance and composing is not as hard as most people think. Below is one of three free videos with some composing tips. But there is more the story…
This dream has evolved from 3,000 pianists in 40 countries purchasing 1,600 piano books and 1,400 individual sheet music songs. When I started piano lessons at age six, and composed my first song by ear at fourteen, I never imagined I would one day be a pianist and composer. Fifteen years ago I first had the idea to create Scripture inspired piano to refresh your spirit™. Music to Light the World was founded in 2004 to offer God’s peace and rest in a hurried world. Today there are ninety compositions, ninety-nine recordings, nine albums, eight piano books, ninety-four sheet music PDFs, and five million people have heard my music in 130 countries. This journey has been humbling, amazing, scary, mysterious and marvelous all mixed together.
My desire through composing, recording, and now teaching, has always been to make a positive difference in people’s lives — to inspire their faith, creativity and calling in their life journey. If you are pianist, please check out the Master Class and all the free bonuses by clicking here. If you know a pianist, please forward this to them to consider. Piano teachers can receive a student group discount.
If you are working on something new that is challenging you to be brave, and to stretch your creativity, I would love to hear about it. Just contact me and I will respond personally to encourage your dream.
In closing, here are two verses that help me keep dreaming and creating…
Isaiah 41:10 (MSG) — Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.
Psalm 37:4 (ESV) — Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
This could just be an answer to my prayer and what had been on my mind for quite some time. I’m so excited deep down that I haven’t even read the entirety of your post! I just wanted to communicate my joy. You’ll be hearing from. Me again soon!
Wow Nancy, this is so wonderful to hear. God bless you and thanks for your encouragement and support! Grace and peace, Stanton